Benefits of f2-M:
- Helps to prevent various chronic diseases including cancer and to circumvent autoimmune diseases, allergies and neuro-degeneration
- Supports protection of your body from intoxication by dangerous virus, bacteria and toxic environmental compounds thus promoting formation of endogenous chelators*.
- Helps to circumvent the absorption of toxic compounds in food source which has been treated by antibiotics, hormones, herbicides and pesticides.
- A unique formula of organic plant extracts containing abundant antioxidants and other bioactive enzymes.
*These are organically formed molecules which bind to heavy metals to clear those from your body via the kidney and faeces, control a healthy conversion of carbohydrates and sugar molecules within our nutrition to preventing the formation of dangerous glycated end products which are responsible for a variety of chronic diseases effecting vessels, brain, eye, kidney, liver, skin, and many more.
Every spray (0.15ml) contains:
Total 1.5 x 10^8 CFU Microorganisms
(consist of Lactobacillus (L.) acidophilus 0.3mcg, L. bulgaricus 0.3mcg, L. casei 0.3 mcg, L. fermentum 0.6mcg, L. gasseri 0.3 mcg, L. helveticus 0.3 mcg, L. lactis 0.6 mcg, L. paracasei 0.3 mcg, L. plantarum 0.3 mcg, L. reuteri 0.3 mcg, L. rhamnosus 0.3 mcg, L. salivarius 0.3 mcg, Bifidobacterium (B.) animalis 0.3mcg, B. bifidum 0.3mcg, B. breve 0.3mcg 短双歧杆菌BBG-001, B. infantis 0.3mcg, B. lactis 0.3mcg, B. longum 0.3mcg, Bacillus subtilis 0.3mcg, Streptococcus thermophilus 0.6 mcg, Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0.6mcg
It does not contain any artificial stabiliser, synthetic sweetener, neither synthetic aroma enhancers nor gluten or glutamate.